Tagged: linux

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Continuous Builds in Haskell, Part 3

In Part 2, we extended our continuous build system in Haskell to use TVars for tracking the status of whether our CI system was currently working, or just waiting for more file changes. In this post, we’re going to actually kick off some cabal compilation.

This post applies to Linux users only, due to build dependencies. Hackage does not yet have a corresponding package for Windows.

This post also assumes a basic but passable familiarity with developing in Haskell. If you don’t know how to use cabal yet, this is probably a bit advanced for you.

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Continuous Builds in Haskell, Part 2

In Part 1, we laid the groundwork for a simple directory file watcher that we could extend to construct our own continuous build system using Haskell. In this post, we’re going to add the next layer by integrating with our cabal project we want monitored.

This post applies to Linux users only, due to build dependencies. Hackage does not yet have a corresponding package for Windows.

This post also assumes a basic but passable familiarity with developing in Haskell. If you don’t know how to use cabal yet, this is probably a bit advanced for you.

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Continuous Builds in Haskell, Part 1

Haskell can be a very easy language to develop in, requiring few tools besides a compiler. I’m a crazy person and prefer to use a basic text editor to edit and a command line shell to compile. I find IDEs generally to not be worth the performance and stability overhead, especially with a powerful compiler like GHC. But, sometimes it’s nice to be assured that your code is correctly compiling (and running tests) in the background while you develop.

To achieve this, I’m going to show you how to build your own local, continuous build system for Haskell. It’s easier than you think.

This post applies to Linux users only, due to build dependencies. Hackage does not yet have a corresponding package for Windows.

This post also assumes a basic but passable familiarity with developing in Haskell. If you don’t know how to use cabal yet, this is probably a bit advanced for you.

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